
Each year SEU Missions partners with dozens of organizations around the world who are engaging in strategic, gospel-focused ministry. We see these partnerships booked their SEU experience. Many students express that they chose SEU for our short term missions program, and many choose to work, serve, or intern with these partner organizations post-grad as they continue to walk in their divine design.

In fact, partnerships are the essence of SEU Missions.

Our logo is an ellipsis - the dots stand for our values of kingdom, honor, and excellence, and the ellipsis reminds us that God has been at work in these places long before we arrived and will continue long after we leave. We decidedly parter with trusted organizations and mutually design effective short term mission trips.

We also work with strategic partners for our training, accreditation, safety and security, logistics, and more. These partners help us ensure that we continue as members of MissionExcellence.

Some unique partnerships in 2023 include Watoto, missional outreach at the Paris Olympics, YWAM bases all over the world, anti-trafficking organizations across multiple nations, a fourth-year return to a recovering cult town in Utah, working in a government-run refugee camp in Greece, reaching unreached tribes with Overland Missions, and more!